Italian and Community Trademark Attorney

How much does it cost to register a trademark in Italy?

The cost of a registration application depends on the number of classes of products and/or services selected within the application.

Object Classes Total
Application Filing 1 470,00  €
For each class besides the first one 1 60,00  €

 How much does it cost to register a trademark in UE? 

Object Classes Total
Application filing 3 1.535,00 €
For each class besides the third  class 1 250,00 €

The rates indicated above include Official filing fees and competences of the firm, expenses for the preparation and registration of the pertinent filing application, taxes, stamp duties, administration fees and access in offices of expertise. The following are not included in the above rates: Registration fee (to be paid after 12/18 months), courier and/or mail expenses and searches.  These costs do not comprise any charges that may arise in the event of official actions or oppositions filed by third parties.

The cost for a word or figurative mark is identical.

It normally takes 10/15 months to finalize a registration, in the meantime you are ONLY permitted to apply the TM symbol besides the mark.

Required information/documentation for filing a trademark application in Italy and/or UE:

  •  Full name and address of the applicant;
  • Description of goods or services;
  • If the trademark is a design marks a computerized JPG, GIF, PNG or BMP image file would be suitable.
  • If the Paris Convention priority is claimed, the priority data (i.e., number of the foreign application, filing date and country of origin) must be quoted in the application.
  • A Power of Attorney (POA) granted by the applicant –  legalisation is not required.

Currently, the application and registration process of a mark that experiences no drawbacks can take approximately 12 to 18 months.

For information on costs of the filing in more product classes or in other countries, please send us a specific request from our contacts page.

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